FLOWN is a body-doubling platform for focus and flow

Do you find it hard to focus? Are you easily distracted? Are you always short of time to do the big piece of work that’ll make a difference to your project, your career, your life?

You need deep work! A term coined by computer science professor Cal Newport in his book Deep Work, he describes it as “professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit”.

It’s a work style and a lifestyle – and if you can cultivate deep work in yourself, you’ll be on the path to work-life satisfaction and boosted productivity.

That’s where FLOWN comes in. FLOWN is a deep work platform, built to enable people like you to do their best work, every day. FLOWN offers online co-working sessions, designed to help you focus. Called Flocks, these sessions put you in a virtual room with other FLOWN members, giving you a supportive accountability group, as well as a fun, facilitated space to work deeply.

FLOWN also offers on-demand video to help you focus, deep work learning content, as well as a range of products to help you take a break from your cerebral side and ‘recharge’ your focus.


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